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Project Las Americas is Colorado registered non-profit corporation,
and organized under Internal Revenue code 501 C (3).


Nuevo Renacer is a barrio situated in the city of Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic. There are roughly 1,000 families, of which the vast majority survive in precarious conditions. Virtually everyone is in need one way or another.
Project las Americas humbly with an understanding of their needs is working with community leaders to improve the quality of life of the families in this barrio.
The barrio sits between the banks of the San Marcos river and the port of Puerto Plata. Many of the homes constructed beside the river have perished or had to be abandoned due to flooding and danger of land slides. With heavy rains and the raising river most the barrio is often flooded with contaminated water, some areas frequently having up to 4 feet of water. The families have to live with this problematic condition, loosing the precious few belongings they may have. Many of the homes have roofs are in such poor condition as to provide about 80% protection from rain causing internal flooding.

One of the many canals
passing through the barrio.

Note how the beds and stove
are on blocks to reduce
the effects of the continuous flooding.

Many Dominican and Haitian families
live in very distressed conditions.
The poor health conditions are alarming. All of the residual waste and trash accumulates in the small makeshift canals running through the barrio. Stagnate and contaminated water can be found everywhere right up to the doors of the houses where the children play, many of which are shoeless.
In an effort to control inevitable waste water flooding within the homes the residents fill in the ground within the house and cement the floor, this also normally requires them to raise the low roofs. Other common needs are replacing the tin roofs so as to keep out the rain.



Project las Americas goes to work, collaborating with local community leaders and funding the construction materials in reconstructing homes in Barrio Nuevo Renacer.

The needs are large and urgent. Most of the families in this barrio have a household income of less than one hundred dollars per month. A complete reconstruction ranges from $2,500 to $3,200 USD. The labor required was provided by the family and community. A small investment to change a familys life.
















Some of the
Beneficiary Families
click to enlarge

  Familia Padilla
  Familia Peralta
  Familia Domnguez
  Familia Carmon Rosario

So many families still in need
of simple home repairs

click on the names for details

  Familia Hernndez
  Familia Acevedo
  Familia Chevalier
Reconstruction US$ 2,500 - 3,200
New Roof US$     400 -    700
Raise and Cement Floor US$     300 -    500

Every dollar received for this project is spent purchasing building materials. 
We are registered in the US a 501(c) 3 and in the Dominican Republic.
All US Contributions are tax deductible.





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